Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thegamerwalkthroughs - Gaming Walkthroughs.txt

Hello! And welcome to TGW Games. Here, i make my own video games, and also do walkthroughs for video games, AND game reviews. All can be found with the tabs above.

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Enjoy your stay! :)


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As the U.S. Congress prepares to vote on the Stop Online Piracy Act, major game developers and companies are publicly opposing the legislation, with some even promising to shut down their websites and games in protest.

Dissent against SOPA has snowballed since the Entertainment Software Associationvoiced its supportfor the bill last week, and companies such as Mojang (Minecraft), Red 5 (Firell), Frozenbyte (Trine), Runic (Torchlight),, and Nvidia are among the latest to speak out against the contentious anti-piracy legislation.

Some of these companies are followingReddits example, and are staging organized blackouts for their games and sites on January 18, coinciding with the House Committees hearings on the bill.

According to aTwitter postfrom Mojang founder Markus Notch Person, the acclaimedMinecraftstudio will shut down both and in protest of SOPA.

Firelldeveloper Red 5 is taking similar action, proposing to close shut down both its website and the currently runningFirellbeta for a full 24 hours.

The studio also plans to protest against the ESA for supporting the bill, andtold Shacknewsthat it has canceled its plans to attend the ESA-operated E3 Expo.

We are extremely disappointed in this misguided legislation. We are also ashamed of the ESA for supporting a bill which is clearly not in the best interests of gamers or the game industry, explained Red 5 CEO Mark Kern.

Finnish game developer Frozenbyte alsospoke outagainst SOPA on its website, noting that even though the team operates beyond United States borders, it wants to encourage its community to ship around the world.

The Polish PC game vendor alsojoined the international SOPA opposition, arguing that even with the legislations r-reaching implications for online content, it will likely il to stop piracy in the first place.

SOPA works in a shion similar to DRM, if you ask us: it only will have an effect on people who are, by and large, honest consumers. Pirates who torrent via P2P methods will not be inconvenienced in the least by SOPA and PIPA [the Senates Protect IP Act]; people who post lets play walkthroughs of video games on YouTube, though, may be, the sites organizers explained.

Mark Gerhard, CEO of therecently acquiredRuneScapedeveloper Jagex, added his voice to the chorus, andtold required) that SOPA will essentially create a national ship firewall for American internet users, specifically this could crush the community element of online gaming and could result in a huge lack of freedom of speech, creativity and opinion sharing.

Torchlightdev Runic Games announced its oppositionon its official forums, and said that the bill gives too much power to large corporations, and limits the rights of individual citizens.

In addition, Nvidias Bob Sherbinexplained, We oppose piracy, as it hurts our game-developer partners. However, we do not support SOPA. We dont believe it is the right solution to the problem. The company also alleged that it was not contacted by the ESA regarding its position on SOPA, despite being a long-time member of the organization.

Over the last few weeks, other companies such asRiot Games,Epic Games,Trion Worlds, and38 Studiosall joined the growing crowd of game developers standing against the proposed legislation.

The U.S. Congress SOPA hearings are due to take place January 18 -- keep an eye on Gamasutra for continuing coverage of the bill and its further effects on the games industry.

Read on and say YES!

Under voter pressure, members of Congress backpedal (hard) on SOPA


I think the immediate question cing the game industry is how to handle the ESAs absolute silence - and therefore continuation of its long-existing support - on SOPA? And how do companies nominally (and sometimes materially) against SOPA justify their continued membership in the ESA?

If even the politicians they are funding are having second thoughts about the bill (as Alans link suggests, and Im very glad they are), but the ESA arent, where does that leave them as responsible representation of the industry?

Why have we not heard one whit from the ESA in any reports, when the ESAs entire purpose for existing is to talk about issues such as this?

I think the article from a while back said it pretty well.. Theyre basically in a lose-lose situation. If they support the bill, theres an outcry from consumers and some game studios (as weve been seeing). If they dont support the bill, therell be an outcry from the people whose only interest in the games industry is money, and theyre the people who the ESA is primarily supposed to represent. Probably the best solution wouldve been to say nothing, and allow individual members to express their support or opposition. But then Im sure someone would be asking why they never said anything.


But they are saying things. Theyve given explicit financial, material, and vocal support to SOPA and PIPA in the past.

If they dont support the bill, therell be an outcry from the people whose only interest in the games industry is money, and theyre the people who the ESA is primarily supposed to represent.

If there is an outcry, its from people who dont understand how money is made. SOPA/PIPA does nothing to help the industry make more money. It destroys the ability of American technology companies (including entertainment technology companies, like game developers) to function in any normal way. Its true that there are some investors - and sadly also probably some executives - that have no idea how this works, but it is not the ESAs responsibility to kowtow to them.

ESA is indeed in a hard place, stuck between members still salivating after the unilateral power to critics SOPA would give and the late awakening to reality of a growing minority.

It simply beggars belief that any in our industry didnt see SOPA for what it really is, a tool for penalty free ship with no power against piracy, yet the silence has been deafening. Apart from those that lust after the powers it gives. Parts of our industry came late to the fight and its too little, too late for ESA to react and damn near too late to reach the politicians.

So ESA continues to represent the powerful voices that see SOPAs defects as advantages they can abuse.

it wants to encourage its community to ship around the world.

fight ship maybe? I think theres a verb missing there? O.o;

I wonder how many people are reading both the SOPA and PIPA bills word for word. If they did, they would realize that they are almost 75% the exact same bill. SOPA will likely be used as a front to gather all the news and attention so that PIPA can sneak in the backdoor and get passed while nobody is looking. This is very much like how the U.S. President used the distraction of the college bowl game weekend to pass the NDAA under everyones noses. Part of me feels like everyone is being suckered into this and enabling the process of backdoor legislation by placing all the media attention on SOPA with only glaring attention on PIPA.

Furthermore, I can only hope that every video game company actually has staff on board who do read the bills word for word. It would be nice to see more game companies that actually oppose and understand the bills have the guts to just boycott E3.

Oh, and many of us who have worked in politics fear that the idea of the planned internet blackouts is only a superficial tactic, just banging the drum so to speak. Mostly its just good PR for the companies doing it. Its unlikely to have a major effect on politicians; itll only increase awareness for the few people visiting the sites who are totally clueless on the two bills.

I think its more that PIPA has been placed on hold for months now, thanks to Sen. Ron Wyden (who also placed a hold on the equally bad COICA previously). I do agree theres a lot of uses of SOPA that could be better replaced with SOPA/PIPA in amateur activism, but I dont think its a major problem.

Thank You All for being against SOPA, I do not live in the US so Im not able to cast a vote against SOPA so I trust that game companies like these will step up against this unjustice