Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gamegnat Blog.txt

Gamegnat is a company that is looking to change the way you interact with your gaming information. Go to check out what weve been working.

There is no doubt that the gaming space has change dramatically in the past decade. Games have evolved by leaps and bounds, each generation setting the standard higher and higher. It’s somewhat strange, however, that coverage of such a rich and dynamic field has remained sadly stagnant. Sure, sites like IGN and Gamespot consistently churn out media: reviews, guides, video, etc. Much of it is exceptional, since that is the focus of those sites; quantity and quality is king. But where is the progress in the way gamers consume this information? Where is the access?

The Status Quo:

A quick glance at our most visited tab tells the story of a dramatic shift in the way we get our information. The sheer number of users on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube speak volumes on how we consume media today.Users prefer to interact with, and not just passively experience, their content. The gaming information world, however, has been stuck delivering content the same way since the 90’s.

Go ahead and make your way to any of the major gaming websites, and be prepared for major sensory overload. They all seem to follow the same design motto: cram as much as possible into every square inch.

Creating a New Experience:

Our belief is : there is plenty great gaming information, but it’s r too hard to find. We aim to change that. We’re committed to creating a and elegant experience that puts gamers in control. We want to change the way gamers interact with content. To do so, Gamegnat is taking 4 steps:

: Remove the Clutter

Gamegnat will focus on its core competency: putting information into the hands of gamers. This means fewer widgets, fewer ads, and fewer barriers to entry.

: Focus the Search

Search should be the most and direct way to navigate a website, yet a search for Portal 2 still required the navigation of 4 pages on both IGN and Gamespot to reach a review. Gamegnat will keep search and quick, linking the user directly to their desired content.

: Make it Social

In this age of information overload, social proof separates the signal from the noise. Gamegnat will give users the power to highlight quality content when they see it, without compromising the main objective: make it easy to get to information.

: Foster a Community

Having a forum is not having a community. Great communities are hard to create and even harder to maintain. Communities are great at letting you know what your product/service is doing well, and what needs improvement. Great cogame walkthroughsmmunities help create great products, and they are also breeding ground for dedicated users and contributors.

Having a working dialogue with your users is time consuming, and difficult at times, but the results are worth the effort.

Note: You can sign up for the Gamegnat Beta at

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